Guelder Rose

Guelder Rose

A UK native found in fens, woodland, scrub and hedgerow throughout Europe, Central Asia and northern Africa, The common name 'guelder rose' relates to the Dutch province of Gelderland, where a popular cultivar, the snowball tree, supposedly originated. It is also very significant in Slavic cultures where it is known as Kalina or Kalyna. In ancient Slavic mythology it was associated with the birth of the Universe, the so-called Fire Trinity: the Sun, the Moon, and the Star. Its berries symbolize one's home and native land, blood, and family roots as well as representing a maiden’s beauty.



The primary culinary use of lilac comes from its fragrant flowers. These can be added directly to salads where they lend a bitter-floral note, dipped in batter and made into fritters. They can be crystallised and added to cakes, biscuits, pies or rice dishes. The flavour works well with almonds. They are an unusual addition to stuffing or chicken dishes. They can be distilled into a syrup or infused in honey and this increases the versatility, being added to a range of desserts, drinks or yoghurt. Both the flowers and the leaves can be used to make a herbal tea.