A closer look at the earth...

To help us celebrate Earth Day on 22 April this week, here is an opportunity to take a closer look at some of the microscopic creatures that live in the ground and help to build and maintain the soil.

View our earth microscope video showing different samples from compost, leaf mould, soil and worm castings (worm poo). In this video you will be able to spot:






A microarthropod



Amongst many other things!

All of these creatures play essential roles in cycling nutrients through the soil, shredding, recycling, decomposing, feeding each other and our plants, protecting plants from diseases and pests, and building soil structure. This is a reminder that soil is a living, complex, ecosystem – and by taking care of our soil, eating from the garden, composting, sowing seeds, weeding, mulching and even just standing on the earth, we are part of that ecosystem too. That also feels like something to celebrate!