Eating with eyes closed

Here’s an exercise to practice mindfulness and to connect with the sense of taste.

Take a piece of fruit like a grape, satsuma or sultana. This can also be done outdoors with wild foraged fruit like blackberries.

Close your eyes and place the piece of fruit in your mouth. Don’t eat it. Just notice the shape of the fruit in your mouth, explore it with your tongue. What do you notice and what senses are stimulated? Take some time to be still. Now, very slowly start to eat it. Notice how your teeth go into action and how your mouth and tongue respond. Does the juice burst out? Does your mouth produce saliva? What other things do you notice? What is the texture and flavour like? Do the sensations change? Take some time to savour the sensations and allow yourself to simply notice how you feel.

Do you feel different after doing this exercise?

Adapted from ‘With Nature in Mind - Ecotherapy Manual’ by Andy McGeeney